Board Opening
Want to get involved but think you don’t have the time or talent? South Florida SGNA is a dynamic group of over 100 members and we need you!!! The Board of Directors is very fortunate to have some wonderful dedicated nurses who need your help. We especially need help from someone who knows the Miami-Dade area well enough to represent our members from this area. I promise you that you will receive so much more out of this than you give. Please think about it and e-mail myself or India Hando and we’ll be glad to talk to you about how you can help. Help us continue our success.
National Conference
The Annual Course in Orlando Florida was a terrific success. Anyone who was able to attend knows this. The theme this year was “Expanding Our Horizons”—spending time to learn new techniques and theories, networking with fellow GI nurses and associates, and networking with vendors in the large exhibit hall. Rey Hondrade and Fred Soriano represented our region and the University of Miami by speaking on Tuesday afternoon. What an honor to have our region represented by two people dedicated to furthering our knowledge!!India Hando and a team of several other GI nurses from around Florida(Jan Provanzano, Jeanne Constable, Lynn Hunt, Donna McKinley, and Barbara Springer) had the opportunity to develop and show their poster “Implementing the Mission of SGNA through Joint Organization Meeting”. This poster discussed how an organized team from both the Florida SGNA and FGS (Florida Gastroenterologic Society) are able to provide us with the yearly State Meeting in September.Congratulations!
2010 House of Delegates
These are the final House of Delegates as were voted on:
- NO: SGNA require each region to provide a minimum of one contact hour annually that is dedicated to scope reprocessing or infection control as part of their annual rechartering requirements.
- YES: SGNA’s Practice Committee more clearly state in theStandards of Infection Control in Reprocessing of FlexibleGastrointestinal Endoscopes how scopes should be stored with regard to no sponge or padding on the distal tip of the insertion tubes.
- YES: SGNA write a position statement stating a specific length of time a scope may hang unused before requiring reprocessing prior to next patient use.
- YES: SGNA will provide a monthly PowerPoint or other form of static content to members with a focus on regional leadership. Potential topics could include: budgeting, marketing, leadership development, contact hours and sponsorship. Contact hours would be included.
- YES: SGNA develop content on regional Web site best practices.
- YES: SGNA offers free/nearly free educational offerings with contact hours to its members, online, on a regular basis, i.e. monthly or quarterly
- NO: SGNA offer the National Annual Course in April.
Scholarships Available
Don’t forget that we are giving away 2 scholarships for next year– one for a current member to attend the state conference in 2011; and one membership for a non-member! Please see our website for details on how YOU can win!
Crohns/Colitis Walk
In April we joined with Memorial Regional to raise funds for the Crohns and Colitis Foundation. We raised over $1338 to donate to the foundation. We spent a beautiful Saturday evening walking through the Downtown Ft. Lauderdale /New River area making new friends and catching up with old friends.
Treasurers Report
Our current balance is $20,837
Upcoming Events
· September 24-26th, 2010: State Conference in Orlando @
Buena Vista Place· October 9th, 2010: Memorial Regional Conference
· February 2011: University of Miami
· March 2011: Mt. Sinai Hospital
Crohns/Colitis Walk: Team Memorial Endo/Region 16 SGNA
Crohns/Colitis Walk: Team South Broward Endoscopy
Poster at National Conference by India Hando, Jan Provanzano, Jeanne Constable, Lynn Hunt, Donna McKinley, and Barbara Springer
Winter 2010 Newsletter
Presidents Message:
Hello to all my fellow colleagues and SGNA members. It is 2010 or twenty ten, depending on how you want to say it. A quick review of 2009 for our Region 16 accomplishments, we added some perks to our web site such as a job board. In the area of education we hosted 4 regional meetings offering 17.5 CEU’s, our regional board revised and updated our By-laws, they are posted on our regional page of the web site. Our web/newsletter editor Chris Gavriles providing continued updates, great photos and informative new letters of our state and regional meetings. At the regional meetings our board members can be identified by newly created ID Badges compliments of Teresita Foliacci and we have developed welcoming goody bags with membership information to all new attendees at our regional meetings compliments of Tracey Candelora. We hosted 9 board meetings. We gave away a $1,500.00 scholarship to Sharon Grimes for the National Meeting. We hosted the State Meeting in Boca. Our region was in charge of the site and we had rave reviews. I am extraordinarily proud of Region 16 board and all their hard work to promote our organization and assist to bringing high quality educational events through out the year. As always we welcome new energy and ideas our Board Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of every month at Memorial Regional Hospital in the Endo dept. Looking forward to serving South Florida for 2010 and seeing you all at the regional, National and State meetings this year.
India Hando, So. Fl Regional President
Coming Events
- University of Miami : February 20, 2010 Frontiers in University Based GI Practice
- 37th Annual Course :SGNA Expanding Our Horizons : April 30-May 4, 2010 Orlando Florida: For information on hotel and travel:
- GI Nurses and Associates Day: March 24th, 2010
- Take Steps for Crohns Colitis Walk April 17th, 2010: Huizinga Park
- Holy Cross Hospital March 20th, 2010
- Memorial Regional Hospital October 2010 (Exact date to be announced)
Don’t forget to renew your membership. This can be done online through the national website: Benefits of Membership include:
- Networking at the regional, state and national level
- 6 issues annually of the journal: Gastroenterology Nursing
- Subscription to SGNA News (SGNA’s National newsletter)
- Access to our own job board
- CEU’s (17.5 last year alone)
- Reduced fee’s for national and state conferences; regional events are free
- Scholarships: Grants for the National SGNA membership are available. To apply,
- Region 16 also provides $1500 for expenses to attend the National Conference. See our website for more details
Congratulations to: Sharon Grimes who won the scholarship to go to the National Conference in Orlando this year!!
Take Steps for Crohns & ColitisAs GI Nurses we all know patients who we see on everyday basis for their screenings, treatments and management of their care. Some of us have a loved one with the disease. Because of the nature of the disease, they suffer in silence. Please join us to help raise money for treatment by joining us on April 17th for a walk in Huizinga Park and through Los Olas. See for details to have a fun filled afternoon and evening!! You can sign up online to walk or donate.
Treasurers Report
End of year 2009
Balance of $8,653.41
Total income from vendors $11,600.00
Contact Us: President: India Hando
President Elect: Terri Foliaci
Secretary: Julie Ray
Treasurer: Tracey Candelora
Membership: Cindy Garcia
Newsletter/Website: Chris Gavriles
Past President: Rey Hondrade
Vendor Liason: Kathie Holloway
Pat Hellrung